conversion of 24bit rgb image to 256 colors leaves bad pixel
Posted: 2009-02-17T21:29:34-07:00
take the rgb image (
convert rgb.tif -colors 256 output.tif
6.4.9 windows convert gives
(which is broken - the magenta E has black pixels in it)
6.4.0 windows convert gives
(which is ok)
the same think happens if you just try to convert to a gif (convert rgb.tif rgb.gif)
convert rgb.tif -colors 256 output.tif
6.4.9 windows convert gives
(which is broken - the magenta E has black pixels in it)
6.4.0 windows convert gives
(which is ok)
the same think happens if you just try to convert to a gif (convert rgb.tif rgb.gif)