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Windows installation : Dynamic lib issue

Posted: 2009-02-19T14:26:06-07:00
by Cadrach
Hi everyone,
I am having issues installing the imagick extension for php:

- I downloaded dyn-Q16 from Mikko's blog :
- I installed the latest ImageMagick dll from the imagemagick website (ImageMagick-6.4.9-5-Q16-windows-dll.exe)
- I use PHP 5.2.5

The ImageMagick folder is in my PATH (I can run convert.exe from the command line everywhere)

I keep getting the "Unable to load dynamic library" error.

I tried :
- PHP 5.2.1, 5.2.6, 5.2.8.
- ImageMagick 6.3.2-9-Q16

I have the same issue on two different machines. I am using wamp2 on both of them.

I was able to load the static library provided by Mikko, but it has trouble loading png transparency:

Code: Select all

$map = new Imagick();
header('Content-type: image/png');
echo $map;
Keeps getting me a black image, and I need it.

If you have any idea I would be in your debt, since it is a dead end for me at the moment... (or if there is just something wrong with my strip of code you can point it out :) )

Re: Windows installation : Dynamic lib issue

Posted: 2009-02-20T13:27:39-07:00
by mkoppanen
Sounds like ImageMagick configuration is not found for some reason. Try setting the MAGICK_HOME env variable.