Installing new fonts in MagickWand

The MagickWand interface is a new high-level C API interface to ImageMagick core methods. We discourage the use of the core methods and encourage the use of this API instead. Post MagickWand questions, bug reports, and suggestions to this forum.
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Installing new fonts in MagickWand

Post by javiersm »

Good Morning,

I have a problem with my application that works in a Linux environment; in order to use new fonts I followed the process to install new fonts in ImageMagick described in the book "ImageMagick Tricks" that mainly consists in:

1)To transform the .ttf to a .afm and a .pfb font file.
2)To copy those files into the ghostscript font folder.
3)To edit file "type-ghostscript.xml" in folder "./ImageMagick-6.4-9.3/config" and add a new entry for those fonts.

These steps seems to work perfectly when I use ImageMagick command-line tool, but when I use with MagickWand seems to be necessary to compile and install again ImageMagick, is this correct? or shall I do any other step to avoid this last step? Thanks a lot.

Best regards.

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Re: Installing new fonts in MagickWand

Post by magick »

The MagickWand API is just a wrapper around the MagickCore API calls just like the command line wrapper is. It should behave the same. You also should not need to transform your TTF files but instead use them directly. See and look for the section called Font Usage for details.

Re: Installing new fonts in MagickWand

Post by javiersm »

Hi again,

I read the post that you suggested me, but I'm afraid that I'm missing some information to get success.

What I would to do is to have some .ttf fonts in some directory and use this fonts without writting the entire path for that font using an alias or something similar. I think that, using a linux enviornment like I'm doing, this can be achieve, adding some steps to these ones:

1) To copy the font into a directory.
2) To indicate the path of the font in type-ghostscript.xml or type-windows.xml?? Im not sure where is the correct file to write the reference using linux enviornment but using .ttf fonts.

Thanks a lot, best regards!
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