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Bug in the convert-command or bad image?

Posted: 2009-03-25T02:20:26-07:00
by moma

I am playing with my Gscreendump app and I found an image that causes ImageMagick to crash.
These are the commands I run:

# Get the base image

# Convert it to png
convert header.gif image1.png

# Rotate 45 degrees
convert image1.png -rotate 45 image2.png

convert: magick/memory.c:452: CopyMagickMemory: Assertion `destination != (void *) ((void *)0)' failed.

The same error happens when I call
MagickRotateImage(image, background, angle);
from c code. The code is here... [look for magickwand_rotate_image() function].
I generated the image1.png by drag & dropping the "header.gif" image to my Gscreendump application.
Read about the amazing Gscreendump here
You can save_as or import images to any format (PDF files, PNG, etc....), thanks to ImageMagick.
EDIT: The operatingsystem where this error occurs is
cat /etc/*issue*
Ubuntu Linux 9.04 (64bits) Jaunty Jackalope (development branch, alpha6...)

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.4.5 2009-01-22 Q16 OpenMP
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC

I also sent this message to See post #6953541.

EDIT: The same test on 64bits Ubuntu 8.10.
The above commands work well (without errors) in 64bits Ubuntu 8.10. The ImageMagick version is
mogrify -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.3.7 08/21/08 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Re: Bug in the convert-command or bad image?

Posted: 2009-03-25T09:00:52-07:00
by magick
We have a patch for the problem your reported. Look for it in ImageMagick 6.5.0-8 available sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: Bug in the convert-command or bad image?

Posted: 2009-03-25T10:48:15-07:00
by moma
Thank you very much :)