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Converting a PDF file to a TIFF file without loosing quality

Posted: 2009-04-18T17:04:10-07:00
by Joao_Ferreira_Pires
Deal all,

I'm trying to convert a PDF file to a monochrome TIFF file with the following command:

convert -monochrome file.pdf file.tif

However, the resulting TIFF image has a bad quality compared with the original PDF file. There is any additional option that I need to use to preserve the image quality?

I need to have a black and white images, to be processed by a digital content system.

Thank you in an advance.

Best regards,

João Ferreira Pires

Re: Converting a PDF file to a TIFF file without loosing quality

Posted: 2009-04-19T14:20:56-07:00
by fmw42

convert -colorspace rgb -density 400 input.pdf -resize 25% -monochrome output.tif

Re: Converting a PDF file to a TIFF file without loosing quality

Posted: 2009-04-20T13:36:17-07:00
by Joao_Ferreira_Pires
Thank you for your prompt answer.

I'll try and I'll give you the results.

Best regards,

João Ferreira Pires

Re: Converting a PDF file to a TIFF file without loosing quality

Posted: 2009-05-04T02:50:41-07:00
by Joao_Ferreira_Pires
The additional parameters used with convert application solve the problems I had felt related with quality lost when I convert PDF to TIF file.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Best regards,

João Ferreira Pires