Specifying shared delegate libs for shared linux build?
Posted: 2009-05-22T07:53:13-07:00
I am trying to build imagemagick (6.5.2) from source so that I can build a shared 8-bit version.
I am using the following command line:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/IM --enable-shared=yes --disable-static --disable-installed --enable-openmp=yes --enable-largefile=yes --with-quantum-depth=8 --disable-hdri --enable-osx-universal-binary --with-modules=yes --with-threads=yes --without-frozenpaths --with-magick-plus-plus=yes --without-perl --with-bzlib=true --with-fpx=yes --with-freetype=yes --with-gslib=yes --with-jbig=yes --with-jpeg=yes --with-jp2=yes --with-lcms=yes --with-png=yes --with-tiff=yes --without-wmf
I also set the following variable so that magick can find it's xml files:
export MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=/usr/local/IM/lib/ImageMagick-6.5.2/config
But when I run identify for a jpeg or bmp it says there is no delegate specified for it, though it never said that when I was running it on windows despite the fact that I never installed any extra delegate on windows though that too had been built from source.
The config.h that I used on windows had followiing options set http://cid-7572e6fdaea4368b.skydrive.li ... ublic?uc=1
I had unchecked the X11 option and had created a dynamic solution named VisualDynamicMT.sln
Also inside the modules folder in my linux installation I can see "so" files for bmp etc.,the way there are dlls made for all formats on windows.
So I frankly don't understand why it is not working for formats like bmp,jpeg,png etc. in linux.
Then I downloaded all the delegates from ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/delegates/
Since I am using shared installation of magick I created shared installations of delegates also and placed my delegates in a folder:
I added this path to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I again tried running the magick configure script mentioned above, but again it said that it could not find any delegate for bmp, jpeg etc. and then after installation it is still unable to understand these image files.
Please tell where exactly am I goofing up things and are there any other options or paths that I need to set.
At what path should I put the "so" files of my delegates?
On windows I had simply put the dlls and and xml files on system path and since I never required any delegates there so I had not put any delegate anywhere.
I am using the following command line:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/IM --enable-shared=yes --disable-static --disable-installed --enable-openmp=yes --enable-largefile=yes --with-quantum-depth=8 --disable-hdri --enable-osx-universal-binary --with-modules=yes --with-threads=yes --without-frozenpaths --with-magick-plus-plus=yes --without-perl --with-bzlib=true --with-fpx=yes --with-freetype=yes --with-gslib=yes --with-jbig=yes --with-jpeg=yes --with-jp2=yes --with-lcms=yes --with-png=yes --with-tiff=yes --without-wmf
I also set the following variable so that magick can find it's xml files:
export MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH=/usr/local/IM/lib/ImageMagick-6.5.2/config
But when I run identify for a jpeg or bmp it says there is no delegate specified for it, though it never said that when I was running it on windows despite the fact that I never installed any extra delegate on windows though that too had been built from source.
The config.h that I used on windows had followiing options set http://cid-7572e6fdaea4368b.skydrive.li ... ublic?uc=1
I had unchecked the X11 option and had created a dynamic solution named VisualDynamicMT.sln
Also inside the modules folder in my linux installation I can see "so" files for bmp etc.,the way there are dlls made for all formats on windows.
So I frankly don't understand why it is not working for formats like bmp,jpeg,png etc. in linux.
Then I downloaded all the delegates from ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/delegates/
Since I am using shared installation of magick I created shared installations of delegates also and placed my delegates in a folder:
I added this path to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I again tried running the magick configure script mentioned above, but again it said that it could not find any delegate for bmp, jpeg etc. and then after installation it is still unable to understand these image files.
Please tell where exactly am I goofing up things and are there any other options or paths that I need to set.
At what path should I put the "so" files of my delegates?
On windows I had simply put the dlls and and xml files on system path and since I never required any delegates there so I had not put any delegate anywhere.