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Read crashes

Posted: 2009-06-05T13:57:50-07:00
by Zarahk
Hi all,

It really seems a bug, and I'll be glad if someone tells me I'm wrong.
Here's the thing: I've just installed ImageMagick-6.5.3-2-Q16-windows-dll with ActivePerl extensions. I have ActivePerl- although I'm running on a Vista x64. I've chosen this install because of PerlMagick, that comes with the IM pack. My "use Image::Magick" is ok. The only thing is that the "$image->Read(file=>\*IMAGE);" command crashes, and I get "Perl Command Line Interpreter gas stopped working" on Windows. Below, the situation on my sub. I'm creating thumbnails. I'm pretty shure that the problem is the "Read" line beacuse if I comment it the program just works fine, although without the desired result (I get image files of 0 KB):

sub puthumb {
$thumb = $_[0];
$img = $imgdir.$_[0];

$image = Image::Magick->new;
open(IMAGE, $img);

open(IMAGE, ">pic/$thumb");
$image->Write(file=>\*IMAGE, filename=>"pic/".$thumb);
undef $image;

$thumb = $thumb;

Re: Read crashes

Posted: 2009-06-05T16:38:22-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a patch. Look for it in the next point release. Thanks.

Re: Read crashes

Posted: 2009-06-05T16:49:04-07:00
by Zarahk
Well, thank you very much! :) Loved the answer!

Re: Read crashes

Posted: 2009-07-16T15:15:46-07:00
by Zarahk
I'm sorry to note that ImageMagick 6.5.4-2 Q16 is still not doing the deed. I can paciently wait, no problem. Thanks in advance.