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Problem with converting RAF format

Posted: 2009-06-10T04:31:10-07:00
by DaveLangstaff
Hi there,

I'm having trouble converting RAF (Fuji raw format) files using imagemagick.

I'm running ImageMagick 6.5.3-3 2009-06-04 Q16 OpenMP under windows XP.

When I try and run convert on the RAF files I get the following:

C:\DOCUME~1\dpl\MYDOCU~1\MYPICT~1\Disk1>convert -verbose DSCF8528.RAF dscf8528.ppm

dcraw.exe -4 -w -O "C:/DOCUME~1/dpl/LOCALS~1/Temp/magick-2rYyiUfr.pnm" "C:/DOCUME~1/dpl/LOCALS~1/Temp/magick-ezw0AzBd"
convert: unable to open image `C:/DOCUME~1/dpl/LOCALS~1/Temp/magick-2rYyiUfr.pnm': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2489.
convert: missing an image filename `dscf8528.ppm' @ convert.c/ConvertImageComman

and no conversion is performed. However if I call dcraw directly, I can happily convert the RAF file to a pmm and then use imagemagick to do further conversion. I'm using the dcraw version that come with the Imagemagick binary.

Looking in my temp directory, I see that "magick-2rYyiUfr.ppm" has been created rather than the expected "magick-2rYyiUfr.pnm" - is this the bug ?

If I use an updated version of dcraw.exe (8.95) I get a complaint about an unknown option -O when it gets called from convert and still no output.

Any ideas ?

Re: Problem with converting RAF format

Posted: 2009-06-10T06:37:34-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to your image so we can download it. We need to reproduce the problem before we can offer any help.

Re: Problem with converting RAF format

Posted: 2009-06-10T07:04:49-07:00
by DaveLangstaff
Here's a URL to one of the many images that gave the problem:


Can you let me know once you've snarfed a copy and I'll delete the file from my filespace.


Re: Problem with converting RAF format

Posted: 2009-06-10T09:26:14-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch. Look for it in the next point release of ImageMagick within a day or two. Thanks.

Re: Problem with converting RAF format

Posted: 2009-06-10T09:42:26-07:00
by DaveLangstaff
Excellent, I'll look forwards to trying it.

Many thanks