Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
Hi, I am trying to install Kareha imageboard. It works fine, except it does not make thumbnails (which Imagemagik does)
I am using Ubuntu 9.04 with Lighttpd, and my lighttpd error logs show:
convert: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `colors.xml' @ configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/553.
convert: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `delegates.xml' @ configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/553.
convert: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `src/1245957893380.gif' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/503.
convert: MissingAnImageFilename `thumb/1245957893380s.jpg' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2772.
sh: giftopnm: not found
sh: pnmscale: not found
sh: cjpeg: not found
sh: sips: not found
The debugging output tells you where ImageMagick is looking for its configuration files. Make sure they exist at the reported location and they have their permissions set so they can be read by any user.