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IM can't read its own PSD files if it contains layers

Posted: 2009-06-29T06:24:40-07:00
by jn0101
Using ImageMagick 6.4.5 2009-06-04 Q16 OpenMP on Ubuntu Linux and a PSD file with 3 layers:
(availabable at
  • $ convert nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd x.psd
    $ convert x.psd y.psd
    convert: maximum channels exceeded `x.psd' @ coders/psd.c/ReadPSDImage/858.
    convert: missing an image filename `y.psd' @ wand/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2710.

Identify correctly shows the 3 layers:
  • $ identify nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd
    nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[0] PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 0.190u 0:02
    nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[1] PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 0.190u 0:02
    nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[2] PSD 24x14 24x14+158+200 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 0.180u 0:02
I can also extract each as tiff and view them in any tool. So reading is OK.

Ive just checked out the latest SVN version. Same result:
  • $ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/convert nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd x.psd
    $ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/convert x.psd y.psd
    convert: maximum channels exceeded `x.psd' @ psd.c/ReadPSDImage/856.
    convert: missing an image filename `y.psd' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2772.
However, it seems reading is broken in newest version: The layers are not found:
  • $ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/identify nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd
    nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 346kb

I might be of interest to you that open source GIMP seems to be able to handle layers in PSD files.

Thanks for a great tool!

Re: IM can't read its own PSD files if it contains layers

Posted: 2009-07-02T13:08:19-07:00
by magick
The default is to ping the image which is quite efficient but only gets attributes from the first image. To get all the layers, type
  • identify +ping nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd

Re: IM can't read its own PSD files if it contains layers

Posted: 2009-07-02T16:16:38-07:00
by jn0101
Thanks for your reply.

You are absolutely right, using +ping makes newest IM also identify all 3 layers in the original file.

Code: Select all

$ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/identify +ping nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd
nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[0] PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 
nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[1] PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 
nem_154049_fc_JNSMALL.psd[2] PSD 24x14 24x14+158+200 8-bit DirectClass 346kb 

Thus, "only" remains that IM can read its own PSD files :-)

Code: Select all

$ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/identify  x.psd 
x.psd PSD 248x239 248x239+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 388kb 
(I suppose this is becaurs the extra layers are not examined when not using +ping)

Using +ping gives the same error as in the older 6.4.5:

Code: Select all

$ /usr/local/im/im6.5.4/bin/identify +ping x.psd 
identify: maximum channels exceeded `x.psd' @ psd.c/ReadPSDImage/856.

Re: IM can't read its own PSD files if it contains layers

Posted: 2009-07-02T16:50:15-07:00
by magick
Thus, "only" remains that IM can read its own PSD files :-)

We're working on the problem. We'll have a fix within a day or two.