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imagemagick library

Posted: 2009-07-14T02:20:37-07:00
by anurags
Can anyone please help me where i can find IMagickDB.lib file.
I am getting this error while compiling
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "..\..\lib\IMagickDB.lib"
Error executing link.exe.

Please Help


Re: imagemagick library

Posted: 2009-07-15T02:16:07-07:00
by anurags
come on!
Please help me.
Someone must be having it for sure.

Re: imagemagick library

Posted: 2009-07-24T15:53:08-07:00
by mkoppanen
What exactly are you compiling?

Re: imagemagick library

Posted: 2009-10-15T22:39:27-07:00
by jervin
I'm facing the same problem too... I'm compiling the MPEG-7 eXperimentation Model (XM) Reference Software... download from ...

can anybody help in compiling this?