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-montage not labelling pictures

Posted: 2009-07-21T18:10:00-07:00
by BMan2
I have a command that creates a proofsheet of images within a directory. The command is:

montage -set label %f *.jpg[525x405] -pointsize 30 -geometry 525x405+15+15 -tile 4x7 -page A4 -compress jpeg -format pdf -quality 65 proof.pdf

This works fine - except that some of the images are not being labelled at all. The only difference I can see in these files - is that in the IPTC info - it is marked as: "Record Version 2.0" - whereas everything that is being labelled is 'Record Version: 4.0"

Is this something that can be fixed - most of the images with record Version 2.0 have been edited in Photoshop or another program - whereas the 4.0 seems to be straight from camera.

Any ideas how to fix this? I'm working on windows with ImageMagick 6.5.4-2 2009-06-30 Q16

Adam H