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-colorspace CMYK -blur fails silently

Posted: 2009-08-20T16:49:20-07:00
by HugoRune
i did some experiments manipulating images in the CMYK space, and came upon the following:

convert logo: -colorspace CMYK -channel CMY -blur 0x10 test.png
this works as expected, producing an image where the colors are blured but black is not

convert logo: -colorspace CMYK -channel K -blur 0x10 test.png
This does not work (produces no output and no error)

Althought strangely it does work with some images, but with incorrect output
convert lena.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel K -blur 0x20 test.png
Image --> Image

Re: -colorspace CMYK -blur fails silently

Posted: 2009-08-20T17:36:00-07:00
by fmw42
Seems to give me something, but don't know what to expect!

convert logo2.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel K -blur 0x10 logo2_k_blur0x10a.png

IM 6.5.4-10 Q16 (sorry still HDRI)

Re: -colorspace CMYK -blur fails silently

Posted: 2009-08-20T19:01:09-07:00
by HugoRune
interesting, mine does not produce a file (Version: ImageMagick 6.5.4-10 2009-08-08 Q16)

Nevertheless, your output is wrong too: the Black channel is not blurred, but somehow distorted, mostly zero with a few horizontal lines.

I tried to reproduce how it is supposed to look, but could not do it with imagemagick: I was stopped by the following possibly related odd behavior:

convert logo: -colorspace CMYK -channel CMYK -separate -combine test.png


Re: -colorspace CMYK -blur fails silently

Posted: 2009-08-20T19:05:50-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem and will have a patch available within the next day or two. Thanks.

Re: -colorspace CMYK -blur fails silently

Posted: 2009-08-20T19:08:10-07:00
by HugoRune
magick wrote:We can reproduce the problem and will have a patch available within the next day or two. Thanks.
That's great, thanks!