Profile change RGB to CMYK changes DPI

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Profile change RGB to CMYK changes DPI

Post by johnford »

Hi Guys,

This is a weird one .....

If I convert a 300 DPI RGB JPG to CMYK using -profile. Then open the output JPG up in Quark 6.5 the image width/height has changed and the DPI has been changed to 72.

If I open the image in PS it looks fine and displays the right width, height and DPI, It only seems to be Quark 6.5 that cant display the image at the right dimensions and DPI.

The command I am using is .....

convert c:\in.jpg -profile c:\sRGB.icm -profile c:\cmyk.icc c:\out.jpg

Im using IM Version: ImageMagick 6.4.1 06/04/08 Q8 on Windows XP.

Here are the profiles I'm using:

And here is the JPG I'm converting:

Any help would be appreciated.

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