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convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T10:56:08-07:00
by jwoelper
Hello everyone,

during the automatic generation of differently-sized pictures i noticed the following:

I left out all options to narrow down the problem, normally the image would have been resized:

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1[8x8].tga (works as expected, creates i1t_T1[8x8].tga)

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1[hello].tga (works as expected, creates i1t_T1[hello].tga)

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1[1024x1024].tga (nothing gets created, no error message)

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1\[1024x1024\].tga (nothing gets created, no error message)

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1[665x665].tga (nothing gets created, no error message)

convert i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1[666x666].tga (works)

This leaves me utterly confused. Any way i try to quote or escape, convert just quits and does not create an image.

I assume this is not related to the image itself, as it does work with some output filenames and no other operations are applied.
However, when i use another, similiarily named image (like i1t_T3.tga) everything works fine.

Please let me know if I should provide example images.

ImageMagick 6.4.0 07/27/08 Q16 on Fedora 10 x64, the same on OSX 10.5, 6.5.5-0 via macports.

All the best,

Johann Woelper

*** edit:
should have thought of that before, but -verbose gives additional insight:

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1\[666x666\].tga
i1t_T1.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 2.72476mb
i1t_T1.tga=>i1t_T1[666x666].tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 3.00002mb
(all ok)

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1\[665x665\].tga
i1t_T1.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 2.72476mb
i1t_T1.tga=>i1t_T15.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 3.00002mb 0.020u 0:02

So it actually resolves '\[665x665\]' to '15', and jolly overwrites my i1t_T15.tga, which, by chance, i had in the same folder...
Is this expected behaviour?

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T11:02:53-07:00
by magick
This works for us:
  • convert i1t_T1.tga 'i1t_T1[1024x1024].tga'
We're using ImageMagick 6.5.5-2.

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T11:10:03-07:00
by jwoelper
magick wrote:This works for us:
  • convert i1t_T1.tga 'i1t_T1[1024x1024].tga'
We're using ImageMagick 6.5.5-2.

Thanks for the quick reply. I guess this works because you are lacking the files i have (sorry for not letting you know: my directory contains a large number of sequentially numbered files, like i1t_T1.tga, i1t_T2.tga, i1t_T3.tga...)

so, if i run the command you suggested, i get:
convert i1t_T1.tga 'i1t_T1[1024x1024].tga'

i1t_T1.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 2.72476mb
i1t_T10.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 3.00002mb
i1t_T11.tga TGA 16x16 16x16+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 786b
i1t_T12.tga[0] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 112.035kb
i1t_T12.tga[1] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 112.035kb
i1t_T1.tga=>i1t_T14.tga[0] TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 6.11019mb

i read the man page, and i assumed the brackets should only be recognized if they are behind the extention, like 'convert catalogue.pdf[10] page.tif'?

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T12:01:24-07:00
by fmw42
brackets refer to a subsection on the input image or to an image frame (sequence), but appear AFTER the suffix

see Selecting an Image Region on ... .php#input

So I suspect you may have trouble with filenames that have [ ... ] in the primary part of the filename prior to the suffix.

Don't know if putting quotes around the filename will help.

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T12:31:21-07:00
by jwoelper
fmw42 wrote:brackets refer to a subsection on the input image or to an image frame (sequence), but appear AFTER the suffix

see Selecting an Image Region on ... .php#input

So I suspect you may have trouble with filenames that have [ ... ] in the primary part of the filename prior to the suffix.

Don't know if putting quotes around the filename will help.
I see... so there would be no way handling images that have brackets in the filename? Quoting does not help... is there any other method of escaping the brackets?

All the best,


Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T12:33:27-07:00
by fmw42
if on unix, you could try


but if quotes does not work, i doubt this will work. But I am no expert on these things.

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T18:01:16-07:00
by anthony
the [..] is a special syntax to IM on input only if it is AFTER the suffix

However [..] is special to most command line shells, such as BASH.
it means any ONE charcater in the backaets appear here.

That is xyzzy[192].txt
will look for the files xyzzy1.txt xyzzy2.txt xyzzy9.txt (order made alphabetical)

to prevent the shell treating the [..] as special you MUST quote or backslash escape the brackets. NOTE the BASH shell also treat (..) and {..} as special too!

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T18:08:33-07:00
by fmw42

so for my own edification, do you quote the whole filename or just the brackets




or something else

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-26T18:46:16-07:00
by anthony
I generally quote the whole filename if it is needed. But for IM input modifications I usually only quote the modification.

Code: Select all

   convert  'input_[8x8]_image.jpg' ...

   convert  input_image.jpg'[100x100+20+20]' ...
It really only matters if you have special characters in the filename. OR you are using a variable to hold the filename.

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-27T00:57:28-07:00
by jwoelper
anthony wrote:I generally quote the whole filename if it is needed. But for IM input modifications I usually only quote the modification.

Code: Select all

   convert  'input_[8x8]_image.jpg' ...

   convert  input_image.jpg'[100x100+20+20]' ...
It really only matters if you have special characters in the filename. OR you are using a variable to hold the filename.

Hi! Thanks for the example. However, this still does not work.

As I wrote above, the command

Code: Select all

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga 'i1t_T1[1024x1024].tga'
i1t_T1.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 4mb
i1t_T10.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 4mb
i1t_T11.tga TGA 16x16 16x16+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 1.02kb
i1t_T12.tga[0] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 128kb
i1t_T12.tga[1] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 128kb

and, as you suggested,

Code: Select all

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1'[1024x1024]'.tga
results in:

i1t_T1.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 4mb
i1t_T10.tga TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 4mb
i1t_T11.tga TGA 16x16 16x16+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 1.02kb
i1t_T12.tga[0] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 128kb
i1t_T12.tga[1] TGA 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 128kb
i1t_T1.tga=>i1t_T14.tga[0] TGA 1024x1024 1024x1024+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 8.125mb 0.130u 0:02

My folder contains a sequence of i1t_T(1-60).tga



Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-27T07:59:13-07:00
by fmw42
stupid question, but why are you putting such brackets on output filenames?

if you must do something like that, then could you not just use a hyphen or underscore as a separator?

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1_1024x1024.tga

Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-27T08:09:09-07:00
by jwoelper
fmw42 wrote:stupid question, but why are you putting such brackets on output filenames?

if you must do something like that, then could you not just use a hyphen or underscore as a separator?

convert -verbose i1t_T1.tga i1t_T1_1024x1024.tga

Well you're so right. Unfortunately, some proprietary software forced these filenames upon us. Of course i could rename the files (and that is what I did) but I do not think the way Imagemagick handles the filename is expected. So, as I am trying to help improve this wonderful software, I thought I should post this. Or, at least, if somebody runs into a similiar problem, she or he could see that brackets in filenames cause some weird results.

All the best


Re: convert fails when using special filenames

Posted: 2009-08-27T21:04:40-07:00
by anthony
I would agree that the brackets should work as expected. If the shell is not getting in the way and the quoting does prevent that, then I can't see why IM doesn't output brackets!

On output filename the only thing IM is currently looking for (as far as I know) is
%d as a printf format something like %03d OR a %[filename:string] See...

so perhaps the %[...] handling is being a little over zelious and doing [...] as well.