how smart is convert's -compress option?

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how smart is convert's -compress option?

Post by hermit »

I have a bunch of JPG files that I want to convert to TIFF. I don't want to uncompress them and recompress them, I just want a TIFF file containing the same compressed data as the JPG file did.

If I do

convert old.jpg -compress JPEG new.tif

is convert smart enough to do this?
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Re: how smart is convert's -compress option?

Post by fmw42 »

My understanding is that IM convert will always reprocess the image (even if you simply noop convert input.jpg output.tiff). But I will defer to the IM folks for correction.

Re: how smart is convert's -compress option?

Post by ironhacker »

Agreed. I would like to see an option to pass through the image without a needless uncompress/re-compress cycle.
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