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ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-09-29T00:40:41-07:00
by mattmcla
Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Wand contains no images MagickWand-2

runing apache2, centos 5.3, php 5.1.6. I yum installed ImageMagic and pecl installed imagic. I've updated php.ini with the .so. The php source works fantastic on Ubuntu but bombs on centos. Has anyone seen this before?

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-09-29T13:05:53-07:00
by mattmcla
So, I've tried to upgrade to php 5.2.9 and no dice. I read something where they may have been a conflict with php 5.1 and the latest version of image magick.

Is there a better place to put this thread or a forum where I might have better luck?

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-09-30T10:28:56-07:00
by mattmcla
So no one's got anything?

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-02T15:15:08-07:00
by mkoppanen
Can you post the source code?

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-05T02:30:14-07:00
by gabimarius2
mattmcla wrote:The php source works fantastic on Ubuntu but bombs on centos. Has anyone seen this before?
I get the same error on a Debian server. i think the problem is with the imagick version. On one server I have installed 2.2.1-dev module version and it works great and on another server 2.3.0 module version and it doesn't work at all.

Does anyone have a solution other than a downgrade on the server??

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-06T06:20:42-07:00
by mkoppanen
There is nothing I can do without seeing the code.

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-10T21:45:31-07:00
by triffid_hunter
I am also experiencing this issue

Code: Select all

$ php <<< '<?php $p = new Imagick("Mendel.jpg");'

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Wand contains no images `MagickWand-1' @ magick-image.c/MagickSetImageFilename/9363' in /home/triffid/-:1
Stack trace:
#0 /home/triffid/-(1): Imagick->__construct('/home/triffid/M...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in /home/triffid/- on line 1
and yet

Code: Select all

$ convert Mendel.jpg Mendel.png
$ file Mendel.*
Mendel.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, comment: "Created with GIMP\377"
Mendel.png: PNG image, 2247 x 1512, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-10T21:55:31-07:00
by triffid_hunter
Thought I should provide some versions:

ImageMagick 6.5.2-9 2009-10-11 Q16 OpenMP
PHP 5.2.11-pl0-gentoo

Re: ImagickException with message Wand contains no images

Posted: 2009-10-31T10:06:29-07:00
by mkoppanen
This error has been fixed in the trunk version of Imagick. The underlying error is that image reading fails but incorrect error message is displayed.