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trying to use montage to create 100x1

Posted: 2009-10-13T07:54:29-07:00
by tcrow-2000
hello all,

i'm trying to create a horizontal strip of images that is 100x1 (100 images long by one deep) the images are in .gif format and are 420x315. think of it as a panoramic strip that stretches the length of the US. i realize that montage is mostly for thumbnails but i thought i would give it a try. if i use montage like so:

montage c:\myImages_0_[0-99].gif -mode Concatenate -tile 100x1 c:\final_image.gif

i get a strip that appears to be the right length but the the final image only inlcudes color information for the first 10 images and the remaining space after those images is just white space.

i then tried the following:

convert c:\myImages_0_[0-99].gif +append c:\final_image.gif

again, it cuts off after ten images but this time the final image is only the length of the 10 images, without the remaining white space.

seems as though 10 is the magic number for appending or concatenating

is there a way to append/concatenate more than 10 images horizontally? Am i reaching the limits of the file format? this is fairly new territory for me so i would appreciate an explanation on the matter.

Re: trying to use montage to create 100x1

Posted: 2009-10-13T09:19:50-07:00
by fmw42
you might be reaching your memory limits as I believe that IM puts all images into memory before processing unless you specify some parameters to use disk space for that purpose which will slow things down. But I am not an expert on this.

Re: trying to use montage to create 100x1

Posted: 2009-10-13T19:00:30-07:00
by anthony
Also are you sure that "c:\myImages_0_[0-99].gif" expands to 100 images?

If it follows normal UNIX shell handling that would only expand to 10 images with numbers 0 to 9 as the [...] usually means replace 1 character from this list (duplicates removed)

Or you could try "c:\myImages_0_%d.gif[0-99]" where the '%d' expands to be 1,2,3,...98,99 in sequence.

See... Read Modifiers for more details.

Re: trying to use montage to create 100x1

Posted: 2009-10-14T10:35:29-07:00
by tcrow-2000
yep, thanks, that worked perfectly! :D