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CMYK TIFF with Alpha Channel Issue

Posted: 2009-10-13T12:29:09-07:00
by spyder
I've run into a problem with resizing a CMYK TIFF file with an alpha channel. IM v6.3.4 works great, but when I try to use the latest version 6.5.6-10 problems result. The K channel gets cleared out. The files I'm using are: (original) (6.3.4 result) (6.5.6-10 result)

The command I'm using is:

convert Logo.tif -resize 100 IM_x.x.x.tif

Do I now need additional variables in the command line to protect the file structure?


Re: CMYK TIFF with Alpha Channel Issue

Posted: 2009-10-13T12:52:51-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.5.7-0 Beta. Look for it at by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: CMYK TIFF with Alpha Channel Issue

Posted: 2009-10-15T12:57:55-07:00
by spyder
Thanks for the fix!!!