Gif Animation Bug?
Posted: 2009-10-28T07:47:43-07:00
I'm trying to write some code to resize gif animation
it seem to me that some calculations just went wrong.
here is two cases:
first image is this:
original page size is 80x60
i resize it to 40x30 (in my code and also) using convert as follows: (without coalesce)
convert -resize 40x30 polarbranme0.gif p.gif
now I'm scnning the frames in the gif:
the second frame size for example was originaly 59x51 and its offset was originaly x=11,y=7
after resize it became size: 35x30 offset x=7,y=4. the page size is 40x30.
the values seem a little out of proportion the the change. and the animation is disformed.
if I need to guess the right values it should be: size = 29(30)x25(26) ofset x=5(6),y=3(4)
when I use coalesce the animation look good. (but I guess the size is still lose proportion)
second image is:
original page size is: 57x108
i resize it to: 28x54
it change the page size to 31x59 (I expect it to be 28x54)
the first frame size was originaly 51x99 and became 28x54 (I expect it to be: 25x45)
the animation still look good.
but when I use coalesce (I guess because the first image is not the biggest) it getting some black frame at the right & bottom.
so, my questios are:
1. is the gif animation consider as the size only the first frame size? (not page size?)
2. sholdn't resize keep thing in proportin no matter I use coalecse or not?
3. sholdn't coalecse add to first image it own background color as the extra size instead of black (or transparent)?
4. I guess now image magick can resize gif animation properly only with coalesce and only when the first frame size is equal page size, am I right?
I managed to make it work for me with coalesce
here is a solution thet work for both: (but still I think something is going wrong with resize calculations...)
Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to write some code to resize gif animation
it seem to me that some calculations just went wrong.
here is two cases:
first image is this:
original page size is 80x60
i resize it to 40x30 (in my code and also) using convert as follows: (without coalesce)
convert -resize 40x30 polarbranme0.gif p.gif
now I'm scnning the frames in the gif:
the second frame size for example was originaly 59x51 and its offset was originaly x=11,y=7
after resize it became size: 35x30 offset x=7,y=4. the page size is 40x30.
the values seem a little out of proportion the the change. and the animation is disformed.
if I need to guess the right values it should be: size = 29(30)x25(26) ofset x=5(6),y=3(4)
when I use coalesce the animation look good. (but I guess the size is still lose proportion)
second image is:
original page size is: 57x108
i resize it to: 28x54
it change the page size to 31x59 (I expect it to be 28x54)
the first frame size was originaly 51x99 and became 28x54 (I expect it to be: 25x45)
the animation still look good.
but when I use coalesce (I guess because the first image is not the biggest) it getting some black frame at the right & bottom.
so, my questios are:
1. is the gif animation consider as the size only the first frame size? (not page size?)
2. sholdn't resize keep thing in proportin no matter I use coalecse or not?
3. sholdn't coalecse add to first image it own background color as the extra size instead of black (or transparent)?
4. I guess now image magick can resize gif animation properly only with coalesce and only when the first frame size is equal page size, am I right?
I managed to make it work for me with coalesce
here is a solution thet work for both: (but still I think something is going wrong with resize calculations...)
Code: Select all
void resize6(const char* fin, const char* fout,const char* size)
vector<Magick::Image> mvImages;
Magick::Geometry newSize(size);
Magick::Geometry oPage = mvImages[0].page();
if(mvImages[0].rows() < oPage.height() || mvImages[0].columns()< oPage.width()){
cout<<"resizing first frame\n";
Magick::Color oEgdeColor = mvImages[0].pixelColor(mvImages[0].columns()-1, mvImages[0].rows()-1);
mvImages[0].floodFillColor(oPage.width()-1, oPage.height()-1,oEgdeColor);
for_each( mvImages.begin(), mvImages.end(),Magick::filterTypeImage(Magick::CubicFilter));
for_each( mvImages.begin(), mvImages.end(), Magick::resizeImage( newSize ) );
Magick::writeImages(mvImages.begin(), mvImages.end(), fout);
Thanks in advance,