Lurid colour using colorspace RGB
Posted: 2009-11-13T04:30:22-07:00
when i convert my cmyk images to rgb colorspace they are very vivid colours and not like the original image
where as if i convert an cmyk image to rgb in photoshop it is very close to the colors of cmyk
Why is this happening and how can i correct this
This is the code that coverts my images
when i convert my cmyk images to rgb colorspace they are very vivid colours and not like the original image
where as if i convert an cmyk image to rgb in photoshop it is very close to the colors of cmyk
Why is this happening and how can i correct this
This is the code that coverts my images
Code: Select all
# Preserve colour profiles? (omit for smaller sizes)
$profile="+profile \"*\" -colorspace RGB"; # By default, strip the colour profiles ('+' is remove the profile, confusingly)
if ($imagemagick_preserve_profiles && $id!="thm" && $id!="col" && $id!="pre" && $id!="scr") {$profile="";}
$runcommand = $command ." +matte $profile -resize " . $tw . "x" . $th . "\">\" ".escapeshellarg($path);