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perlmagick crashes perl when calling Write

Posted: 2009-11-17T10:26:28-07:00
by benbak

I have installed active perl 5.10.1 and imagemagic 6.5.7 successfully on a windows machine. when I run my script both ->Scale and ->Open, run successfully without throwing any exceptions, but when I call $magick->Write(file=>\*IMAGE, filename=>$newpathname); it crashes perl.exe without throwing any errors in the apache log file.

I'm new to perl and perlmagick, please help.

best regards


Re: perlmagick crashes perl when calling Write

Posted: 2009-11-17T10:32:09-07:00
by magick
Windows appears to restrict the passing of file handles from one DLL (PerlMagick XS) to another (ActiveState Perl). You can write to a filename but writing to a file handle causes a fault. If a Windows expert knows of a work around for this problem, we'd like to hear about it.

Re: perlmagick crashes perl when calling Write

Posted: 2009-12-07T15:38:48-07:00
by kmx

I have not investigated this into details but the described behaviour might be caused by the fact that Perl DLL is linked with different version of C-runtime library than Image Magick DLL.

If the versions of C-runtime libraries differ (or one of the DLL is linked with /MT option) than it is the situation described here: ... 80%29.aspx
