Bug in DrawSetTextInterwordSpacing

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Bug in DrawSetTextInterwordSpacing

Post by osolo »

Hi All,

In wand/drawing-wand.c, online 5983 we see:
(void) MvgPrintf(wand,"interword_spacing %lf\n",interword_spacing);

It should really be:
(void) MvgPrintf(wand,"interword-spacing %lf\n",interword_spacing);

(Notice the dash instead of an underscore between the words interword and spacing in the string).

We see a similar bug on line 5942 where "interline_spacing" needs to change to "interline-spacing"

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Re: Bug in DrawSetTextInterwordSpacing

Post by magick »

Thanks, we'll get a patch into the Subversion trunk by sometime tomorrow.
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