magickcore api issues

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magickcore api issues

Post by Wilbert »

I have got two magickcore api (6.5.8-5) issues.

1) I needed to add (in ImageMagick-6.5.8\Magick++\lib\Magick++\include.h) two following two lines to compile ImageMagick successfully:

using MagickCore::ForwardFourierTransformImage;
using MagickCore::InverseFourierTransformImage;

2) I've got a very weird problem. I made an avisynth plugin (called Immaavs; which is able to read and write images using the ImageMagick dll's (using the magickcore api). I copied all ImageMagick dll's to my system32 folder. The plugin reads and writes images fine, but i have the following issue:

When i remove the ImageMagick-6.5.8 folder (in particular ImageMagick-6.5.8\magick\module.c) AviSynth won't load the plugin anymore. I don't understand why. Why does it look for that file at all (all it should need are the dll's which are in the system32 folder)? I didn't have this problem with the 6.4.0 dll's. Has it something to do with the following issue?:

Changes 6.2.8-3:
* GetMagickModulePath() at line 803 in magick/module.c the variable 'home'
is not freed before returning.

I hope i described my problem clearly.
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Re: magickcore api issues

Post by magick »

We'll add a patch to Magick++ for the Fourier problem you reported.

The ImageMagick binaries requires its coder and configuration files in a specific file path or it won't work. You can put all the DLL's in one folder if you build ImageMagick yourself with the default uninstalled version. See ... lation.php.
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