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convert corrupts shadowing of fancy text

Posted: 2009-12-16T06:56:05-07:00
by daved
I have used the technique to produce fancy text such as in the on-line convert manual (The red-coloured word "Magick")
for some time. The convert shipped with openSuSE 11.2 (ImageMagick 6.5.4-8) fails to produce
the shadowing of such text. I downloaded and compiled ImageMagick 6.5.8-6 under
openSuSE 11.2 linux and find a similar problem. There is shadowing, but it is the wrong
size and badly positioned.
shows the output with ImageMagick 6.5.8-6 using exactly the command in
the manual.

Re: convert corrupts shadowing of fancy text

Posted: 2009-12-16T11:40:37-07:00
by fmw42
It works for me on IM 6.5.8-6 Q16 Mac OSX Tiger.

convert -size 320x85 xc:transparent -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize 72 \
-draw "text 25,60 'Magick'" -channel RGBA -gaussian 0x6 -fill darkred -stroke magenta \
-draw "text 20,55 'Magick'" tmp2.png

But note that I had to remove trailing spaces after the line continuation \ which is common when copying and pasting from HTML pages.

But I agree the shadowing does not repeat what is in the example. But if you replace -gaussian 0x6 with -blur 0x6 then it works much better and is faster, also.

I suspect a bug in -gaussian.

Re: convert corrupts shadowing of fancy text

Posted: 2010-01-07T10:08:24-07:00
by Petr
FYI: if I use xc:white in addition to -gaussian, it works for me as well.

Re: convert corrupts shadowing of fancy text

Posted: 2010-01-07T11:01:38-07:00
by fmw42
this has been fixed in recent releases. see viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15218