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RLE Encoding with PSD files

Posted: 2009-12-23T01:59:03-07:00
by Heiler81
Hallo guys,

i got the follwoing problem. A Customer send me a PSD with Run Length Encoding and when i try to create a jpg for WEB it takes hourse or didn´t work at all. I try the command +compress to set the picture in normal modus to convert it jpg out ot that one, but didn´t work. My question is, is there a easy workaround to handel such Picture?
A nother problem is there are a few layers and channels inside the picture but that i can handel normaly with -flatten in string!

Using IM 6.7.0 Q16

Re: RLE Encoding with PSD files

Posted: 2009-12-23T02:09:52-07:00
by Heiler81
IM 6.5.7-0 Q16

Re: RLE Encoding with PSD files

Posted: 2009-12-23T10:45:49-07:00
by fmw42
You probably need to post a link to your pdf so others can try to work with it.

Also read It might have some beneficial information.