Help with multiple captions
Posted: 2010-01-10T13:52:55-07:00
First post here!
Trying to make a php-script that makes two captions, one on the southeast and one on the southwest.
I have got it to work with a caption on southwest and annotate on southeast but that's a little hard to control.
Anyone having a solution for having a caption also at the souteast?
See an example: ... fullsize=1
The code:
Best Regards Martin
First post here!
Trying to make a php-script that makes two captions, one on the southeast and one on the southwest.
I have got it to work with a caption on southwest and annotate on southeast but that's a little hard to control.
Anyone having a solution for having a caption also at the souteast?
See an example: ... fullsize=1
The code:
Code: Select all
shell_exec ("convert -resize ".$s."x".$s." -quality $q% $argv[1] -bordercolor black -border 3 -bordercolor white -border 2 \( -background black -fill white -font Bookman-LightItalic -size $break_length -pointsize $pointsize -kerning 4 caption:' ' -trim +repage -bordercolor black -border 4 \) -gravity Southwest \( -background black -fill white -font Bookman-LightItalic -size $break_length -pointsize $pointsize -kerning 4 caption:'$caption' -trim +repage -bordercolor black -border 15 \) -gravity Southwest -append -bordercolor black -border 10 -gravity southeast -pointsize $pointsize_date -annotate +20+10 '$location\n $img_date $img_time' -gravity South -chop 0x10 $outfile");