Hi Bonzo, Thank you for your answer.
Bonzo wrote:Do you need the colorspace ?
I don't know. I'm willing to use ImageMagick through the TYPO3 CMS.
Bonzo wrote:I would try something simple first to prove the installtion is working e.g.:
Works great!
Bonzo wrote:Is this the first thing you have tried so the installation may not have worked ?
I don't quite understand this question. However I did not install this package (root did it).
I don't know how the installation passed... but I guess...well...
Bonzo wrote:Try something like:
Code: Select all
# convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.4.3 2009-02-25 Q16 OpenMP http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC
I tried to answer as precisely as I could. I currently see two workarounds.
- Avoid rpms and Install from sources (but aren't rpms used to facilitate life?)
- Edit TYPO3 source (do not want!)
I hope there's an easier way to get out of here