Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
I wanted to know what is the best way, if there is one, to attempt to remove "splotches" of color from an image.
I have a series of images that have various "spots" of uniform purple color on them. What I want to accomplish is "clean up" theese spots as best as can be done with an aoutomated tool like ImageMagick of course
But I really don't know where to start for such a task, if it's even possible. Can anyone help?
PS: yeah, it's a so called "captcha" image... I know they're MEANT to be hard to read, but that's the point: I'm researching into the "strength" of these methods against ocr softwares, and this one is pretty tough, because if the blotch is over a letter it distorts it, whereas if it's out of it it gets wrongly recognized as a letter itself. What I'm trying to accomplish is something similar to photoshop's "Spot healing tool" that "rebuilds" an area of an image depending on what surrounds it. What I want is to make the purple parts red if they're near a red area, so they blend in with the letters, and yellow if they're sorrounded by yellow, ie: they're part of the background.