I tried MagickCMD on a couple of different computers and it didn't work either place.
What I did do was create a file called test.js
Code: Select all
var im = WScript.CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1");
var msgs = im.Identify("rose:");
WScript.Echo("\"" + msgs + "\"");
//See SimpleTestIdentify.vbs
var msgs = im.Identify("-format", "%m", "rose:");
WScript.Echo("\"" + msgs + "\"");
and then called it with
cscript //nologo test.js
It produced
rose:=>ROSE ROSE 70x46 70x46+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 9.45kb
What this shows is that if you do not use a specific "-format" parameter (which I've always used since day one, so never noticed this), instead of returning as the output to the message, it actually writes to standard out. Use -format and you should be good to go.
I'll post to the bugs forum about this. If you want to pursue the MagickCmd problem, I'll let you post on the bug forum for that one.