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convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-14T07:15:44-07:00
by peterbradd
I've got 160 jpeg images I want to convert to rgb profile, can I use image magick for this?

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-14T10:56:02-07:00
by fmw42

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T01:37:39-07:00
by peterbradd
I have a file on desktop called temp with 132 jpeg images with cmyk profile attached

I want to convert to rgb profile

I type /users/peter/desktop/temp peter$ convert jpeg -colorspace rgb .jpeg
and I get -bash: /users/peter/desktop/temp: is a directory

What am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T10:47:50-07:00
by fmw42
you left off the wild card * symbols, but
convert only process one (or a few) images at a time and does not deal with wild cards well.

try mogrify see

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T19:08:47-07:00
by peterbradd
I get this

Macintosh:~ peter$ /users/peter/desktop/temp peter$ mogrify -convert jpg -colorspace rgb *.jpg
-bash: /users/peter/desktop/temp: is a directory

any suggestions?

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T19:37:34-07:00
by fmw42
mogrify -convert jpg -colorspace rgb *.jpg
Bad syntax. You cannot mix mogrify and convert!!!!

When I use mogrify, I set up a new folder to receive the new images. So say you have your images in folder test1 and you want to put them in folder test2

cd pathto/test1
mogrify -path pathto/test2 -format jpg -colorspace rgb *.jpg

That will move you to the directory where you have your images, test1, then convert them and put them in the new directory, test2

But you have not supplied any profile so it will use some default profile to convert to rgb colorspace.

PS What colorspace are your images? CMYK? If already RGB, then no point in doing this at all unless you have a better color profile.

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T20:06:30-07:00
by peterbradd
images are CMYK want adobe rgb

files are on desktop file named a-1.jpeg through a-132.jpeg

Macintosh:~ peter$ cd /users/peter/desktop/temp
Macintosh:temp peter$ mogrify -path /users/peter/desktop/temp2 -format jpg -colorspace rgb *.jpg
mogrify: unable to open image `*.jpg': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2482.


Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T20:37:35-07:00
by fmw42
peterbradd wrote:images are CMYK want adobe rgb

files are on desktop file named a-1.jpeg through a-132.jpeg

Macintosh:~ peter$ cd /users/peter/desktop/temp
Macintosh:temp peter$ mogrify -path /users/peter/desktop/temp2 -format jpg -colorspace rgb *.jpg
mogrify: unable to open image `*.jpg': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2482.

If your files have suffix .jpeg and you want to keep .jpeg vs .jpg, then you must use that suffix in the command

mogrify -path /users/peter/desktop/temp2 -format jpeg -colorspace rgb *.jpeg

Be sure to create temp2 before using mogrify as it will not create it.

If that does not work, then move your folders from the desktop to your home directory (/peter). I have not tried processing files outside my home directory.

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T20:47:13-07:00
by peterbradd

that worked perfectly! thanks I am learning.

it converted it to sRGB and I need adobe RGB. is there a way of defining this profile.

Will mogrify convert the profile or assign a profile?

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T20:51:16-07:00
by fmw42
peterbradd wrote:hi,

that worked perfectly! thanks I am learning.

it converted it to sRGB and I need adobe RGB. is there a way of defining this profile.

Will mogrify convert the profile or assign a profile?
Sorry, I have never used profiles, so don't know much about them or where to get them or put them. The only resource I know is at Perhaps you should look on the Adobe web site for their profiles.

I presume mogrify can add or remove profiles.

Search the forum for profiles and perhaps you will find some examples.

Re: convert to rgb profile

Posted: 2010-01-21T21:08:23-07:00
by peterbradd

i have had no luck with that. I posted a new topic around adobe RGB.