RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

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RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

Post by propperdx »

hi, i tried to use imagemagick to convert EPS or AI Files to SVG.

But the result isnt what i expected... the svg-file is created with "milllllllion" :) points of circles instead of rects, polygons etc...
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="1" fill="cmyk(136,98,0,43)"/>
<circle cx="1" cy="0" r="1" fill="cmyk(102,73,0,32)"/>
<circle cx="2" cy="0" r="1" fill="black"/>
<circle cx="3" cy="0" r="1" fill="cmyk(68,49,0,21)"/>

idendity -list format prints something like this:

SVG SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.4.19)
SVGZ SVG rw+ Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.4.19)

i read here in some threads that i have to use / include "rsvg" instead.... but how??
and, im not sure rsvg solve my problems... does imagemagick with rsvg create full svg-files? or do i get a svg files with a few tens like now?
i search the whole morning to get rsvg ready. no result.... (or no results for windows)

i could need some help :)

I use imagemagick 6.5.9-0 (i installed ImageMagick-6.5.9-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe) on Windows 7 64

many thanks!
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Re: RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

Post by magick »

To create a proper SVG image you need autotrace. We do not include autotrace in the Windows binary distributions of ImageMagick but you could build it yourself. Under Linux you can install autotrace and then build ImageMagick and it will automagically find it and include support for it.

Re: RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

Post by propperdx »

thanks for your answer.

but autotrace converts rasterimages to vector. i need to convert eps or ai to svg (vector) without loosing the path-informations.
or does the rsvg lib the same?

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Re: RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

Post by magick »


Re: RSVG on Windows to use AI/EPS 2 SVG

Post by propperdx »

For converting a vector graphic format to a different vector format, do
not use ImageMagick. ImageMagick is, and always will be, essentially
a raster image or bitmap graphics converter and manipulator.
ok, thanks a lot
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