I'm still quite unfamiliar with the powers of ImageMagick, so perhaps this is a stupid question. System: Debian Lenny with ImageMagick 6.5.8 and GhostScript 8.70 installed by aptitude. Everything works fine and I can convert images through both ImageMagic as well as GhostScript. Now I read somewhere some tips on improving the output of GhostScript by editing the defined delegates in the file delegates.xml. After editing this file on my system (/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.5.8/config/delegates.xml) however, I noticed that whatever I change in the file, it doesn't seem to influence anything the convert command does. I can even rename the file with no consequences.
After reading through the documentation and searching the forums I'm no wiser as to what I'm doing wrong. In the output of
Code: Select all
$convert -debug configure logo: null:
there are the following lines:
Code: Select all
2010-01-20T21:29:11+01:00 0:00.000 0.010u 6.5.8 Configure convert[30610]: delegate.c/LoadDelegateList/1222/Configure
Loading delegate configuration file "/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.5.8/config/delegates.xml" ...
2010-01-20T21:29:11+01:00 0:00.000 0.010u 6.5.8 Configure convert[30610]: delegate.c/LoadDelegateList/1222/Configure
Loading delegate configuration file "built-in" ...
Does this means the delegates.xml file has been read correctly, or does it mean the file could not be read and ImageMagick defaults to the built-in delegate configuration file? What should I do to make ImageMagick read my changed delegates.xml file?
Or am I missing some very basic step, like first having to initialize a changed delegates.xml file?