Area with the text - side by side

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Area with the text - side by side

Post by Albireo »

(I hope i can explain my wishes, with my bad english :D )

I need an overview of a directory tree. (about 100 directories)
The problem is that directory names can be changed day by day

it's easy to get the names of all directories.
but to control the print layout (font, size, color and so on) from a program......
I have looked at "PdfLaTeX" - a nice program.
But it is more focused on writing books and manuals.

Now I wonder if I am thinking wrong :)

There are 5 pcs of head directories and these is the heading
to 5 pcs of columns (landscape a4). the rest is sub directories.

I intend to do a small transparent image of the same size for all other directories
then I thought to add text (directory name) on each small image.

Now I have a lot of small images with directory name.
then it is just to put these small images side by side column for column
or on a transparent A4-paper, place out all the small images in right x,y position

then print out the final image?

Would it be difficult?

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Re: Area with the text - side by side

Post by fmw42 »

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