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Removing background noise

Posted: 2010-01-27T07:24:47-07:00
by Thomisback

I have been trying to remove background noise from a picture but the attempts I have made so far didn't really work.

I am trying to convert this picture:


To something similar to this:


I have tried -despeckle but didn't do much. I am using ImageMagick in Linux.

Does anyone know how I could approach this problem?

Thank you!

Re: Removing background noise

Posted: 2010-01-27T12:03:41-07:00
by fmw42
possibly wait for the new texture analysis functions coming soon

Re: Removing background noise

Posted: 2010-01-27T22:58:15-07:00
by Thomisback
Hi, thanks for the quick reply! Texture analysis? I will have a look into that, it might be possible with other software, thanks!
But would there be any other solutions using ImageMagick?, I prefer using it....

Re: Removing background noise

Posted: 2010-01-28T10:50:36-07:00
by fmw42
I cannot think of any way other than manual tracing to create a mask and then composite the mask with the image to get the part you want.