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convert ps to mpeg: background turns black after 1st frame

Posted: 2010-02-08T12:17:22-07:00
by mdtoy

I am trying to convert a series of postscript files to an mpeg animation using "convert files*.ps file.mpeg"
The first frame comes out fine, but in each subsequent frame, the background is gone (all black) and only the foreground is seen (perhaps this is an issue with layers?). If I first flatten the postscripts, then convert to mpeg it looks fine. But with an older version of ImageMagick I didn't have to do this. I can send the postscript files I am trying to convert if necessary. (I didn't see how to attach them to this posting).

I am operating on MacOSX Ver. 10.5.8 and my ImageMagick version is 6.5.8-0.

Thank you.