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Animation issue

Posted: 2010-02-26T17:00:29-07:00
by Dragon31337
I have two huge PNG files (i.e. screenshots). They are close to each-other but different. I want to create an animation where the same part of this file changing forward and back showing the difference.
I've cut the same pieces from both images:
convert screen1.png -crop 172x87+694+538 screen1_part.png
convert screen2.png -crop 172x87+694+538 screen2_part.png

Now I want to create an animation with these two images:
convert -background black -delay 50 +dither screen1_part.png screen2_part.png anim_diff.gif

The problem is that images I've got has the same resolution as original screens had. I can't get why.
OK, it is even nice (but unexpected), it shows where these parts were taken from. But the color of the border differs between frames and distracts user. I believe this is just first color from color map. Is there any option to make it same color? Or at least get rid of this border.

I alos tried to annotate the image but it does not work
convert screen1_part.png -stroke none-fill white -annotate +20+20 "Note" screen1_part_anno.png

BTW: I hope these days image magick uses common color map for both frames. So there is not need to append images to each other and generated 256 unique colors as a map.

Re: Animation issue

Posted: 2010-02-26T18:12:39-07:00
by fmw42
after cropping add +repage

see note about virtual canvas at

The color issue may go away after fixing the crop.
convert screen1_part.png -stroke none-fill white -annotate +20+20 "Note" screen1_part_anno.png
you need a space between none and -fill

Re: Animation issue

Posted: 2010-02-27T01:12:11-07:00
by Dragon31337
fmw42 wrote:after cropping add +repage
convert screen1_part.png -stroke none-fill white -annotate +20+20 "Note" screen1_part_anno.png
you need a space between none and -fill
I had that space. Probably it took this coordinates in original screen dimensions.

Re: Animation issue

Posted: 2010-02-27T02:10:32-07:00
by Bonzo
I would use:

Code: Select all

convert screen1_part.png -fill white -pointsize 20 -gravity south -annotate +20+20 "Note" screen1_part_anno.png