Code: Select all
convert.exe f1.tiff +profile icc -profile AdobeRGB1998.icc -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -strip f2.tiff
What I'd like to do as well is to ensure that all the rgb(0,0,0) in the input image become to be CMYK(0,0,0,100) in the output.
Can someone tell me how to do that ? It doesn't happen in my current process.
The input file histogram looks like this :
Code: Select all
42810: #000000 black
37306: #8FAED6 rgb(143,174,214)
1489484: #FFFFFF white
Code: Select all
1489484: #00000000 black
37306: #7E3B0E00 cmyk(126,59,14,0)
42810: #BDAEAAE5 cmyk(189,174,170,229)
In an ideal world I would provide a 'hint' to the profile command that when it comes across an rgb(0,0,0) it should map it to cmyk(0,0,0,256) (or cmyk(0,0,0,100)) - is there a way to do that ?
All suggestions gratefully accepted.