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Greek character support

Posted: 2010-04-05T06:21:35-07:00
by sysakmin

We are use ImageMagick version 6.5.9-10 in Linux

We are trying to annotate an image with Greek characters using the command below

/opt/imagemagick65910/bin/convert -size 620x50 xc:none -font /appl/fonts/el/Style1.ttf -pointsize 30 -fill \#FFFFFF -gravity center -annotate 0 "Εγγεγραμμένων" -trim /appl/howiz/design1286/color1/titles/text.png

Though the fonts supports (Style1.ttf ) greek characters, we get junk characters instead of Greek characters in the output image when we run the above command.

Please help us to solve this issue. Any help from you regarding this would be highly appreciated.


Re: Greek character support

Posted: 2010-04-05T07:47:28-07:00
by snibgo
This is either a command-line problem, or a font problem. When I put those Greek characters in a text file (without a leading Byte Order Mark) and issue:

Code: Select all

convert -size 620x50 xc:none -font c:\windows\fonts\Arialuni.ttf -pointsize 30 -fill "#FFFFFF" -stroke red -gravity center -annotate 0x0 @gktext.txt -trim +repage gktext.png
I get the expected image.

(This is on Windows 7, on both IM 6.6.0-8 and 6.5.8.)

Re: Greek character support

Posted: 2010-04-05T09:11:03-07:00
by fmw42

you need to put the text into a file that utf-8 compliant. that is the text editor must be in utf-8 compliant mode.