montage creates broken HiRes image withour error message

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montage creates broken HiRes image withour error message

Post by nadar »

Version: ImageMagick 6.6.0-4 2010-03-17 Q16
Linux 2.6.33-2.slh.10-sidux-686
3.5 GB RAM (32 bit as you can see)

The command i question is

Code: Select all

montage tmp-zoomify-row-*.jpg -geometry +0+0 -tile 1x256
There are 49 images to be montaged each of which has 10048 x 256 px.
Montage results in creating an image which upper half is stitched correctly (the first ~25 rows), the lower half is just black.

The original image is ... dmode=zoom.
One can retrieve the tiles from ... dk_0003213
using this script: ...
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Re: montage creates broken HiRes image withour error message

Post by magick »

We get a permission exception for ... dk_0003213 . It would be helpful if you bundled the images with a simple script so we can download and reproduce the problem. Thanks.

Re: montage creates broken HiRes image withour error message

Post by nadar »

To get the image from the server the command would have been

Code: Select all 
Here you can download the tiles montaged to rows already:
and this is the command to stitch the rows together (with negative result on my side):

Code: Select all

montage *row*jpg -geometry +0+0 -tile 1x256 joined.jpg
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