convert.exe creates two images, not one

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convert.exe creates two images, not one

Post by nycynik »

I am converting some .tiff images to jpegs, and resizing them at the same time (creating thumbnails)

When i do this, it generates two images, instead of one as I expected. Is this a bug or a feature?

Convert.exe original.tiff new.jpg

results in


instead of


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Re: convert.exe creates two images, not one

Post by Drarakel »

There are probably two images in your TIFF file. If you only want to process the first page, you can type 'original.tiff[0]' instead of just 'original.tiff', for example.
See here:

Re: convert.exe creates two images, not one

Post by nycynik »

That is great information, and it does work, thank you!

Do you know, i did not see anywhere, a way to select this without using the special [..], and instead a command line switch?

Thanks either way!
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Re: convert.exe creates two images, not one

Post by fmw42 »

identify image

will list the image info for each frame/page

or use

convert image -format "%n" info:

to tell you the number of frames/pages. see

The only way to select one or more is by using the [...] bracket notation. See ... essing.php under selecting frames
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Re: convert.exe creates two images, not one

Post by anthony »

nycynik wrote:Do you know, i did not see anywhere, a way to select this without using the special [..], and instead a command line switch?

Code: Select all

convert tiff_image delete 1--1  image.jpg
The delete deletes all images from 1 (second image index 1) to -1 (last image). if there are no images in that command does nothing.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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