To close the path add a 'z' to the end of the SVG path string...
Code: Select all
convert -size 120x120 xc:wheat -fill white -stroke red -strokewidth 10 \
-draw "stroke-linejoin round path 'M 10,10 L 50,100 90,10 z'" \
that produces a nice closed figure with rounded ends. The third line being provided by the 'z'.
What is NOT correct is that your code draws three lines when only two were specified
and no 'closer was given!!!!!!
Code: Select all
convert -size 120x120 xc:wheat -fill white -stroke red -strokewidth 10 \
-draw "stroke-linejoin round path 'M 10,10 L 50,100 90,10'" \
THIS IS A BUG -- three lines draw but only two specified.
This may also be related to a bug previously reported but unfixed.