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"UnrecognizedLayerType Flatten" Error

Posted: 2010-09-01T01:28:11-07:00
by confused
Hey, I'm really confused about this issue but this is what I can gather:

I've been using a script I wrote for months, and suddenly everything stopped working on the 25th. My "convert -version" reports 6.2.8 from August 25th. The error I'm getting is "UnrecognizedLayerType Flatten". My code is basically this:

Code: Select all

convert -page +0+0 jknkjfng/1.png -page +19+0 nefken/1_1.png -page +19+0 jgkbrkjg/1_6.png -background transparent -layers flatten +repage whatever.png

I didn't upgrade ImageMagick manually so I don't know what's going on, but it seems like a strange coincidence that this version's from the same day it all stopped working.

Re: "UnrecognizedLayerType Flatten" Error

Posted: 2010-09-01T10:06:59-07:00
by el_supremo
The IM ChangeLog indicates that flatten was added in version 6.3.2 so you need to upgrade.


Re: "UnrecognizedLayerType Flatten" Error

Posted: 2010-09-01T11:33:33-07:00
by confused
Whoa, okay, I'm sorry if I sound stupid here but this is weird. How could the version have been downgraded? Also, the date given with the "convert -version" command doesn't have anything to do with when the version was released then? Because like I said, it says August 25th, 2010, but it's version 6.2.8.

I'll try upgrading now and let you know.

Re: "UnrecognizedLayerType Flatten" Error

Posted: 2010-09-05T18:04:33-07:00
by anthony
-flatten exists in that version (it even exists in IM version 3!!!!)

The change was that -flatten was rolled into a compound operator to become -layers flatten

However -flatten still exists as a backward compatible alias to -layers flatten.

Still you are better off upgrading. Hugh numbers of new features and bug fixes have happened since that old version number.