Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

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Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by mikro »


I needed a simple thing, to rotate and write some png file in 1-bit depth, it didn't matter what format (gif, png, you name it). As it turned out, it's quite a problem in IM. My first approach was (<input> is 1-bit colormap PNG if it matters):

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type Palette -depth 1 output.png
as PNG nicely support palette-based format. No luck, stored as 8-bit. Second try:

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type Palette -depth 1 output.gif

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type Palette -depth 1 output.bmp
Still 8-bit. Desperate try:

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type GrayScale -depth 1 output.png
Success! After some tests it seems PNG can be stored only as GrayScale when one wants 1-bit depth. Why? Palette-based format is perfectly valid => BUG here!

Another strange behavior:

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type Palette -depth 1 output.bmp
stores 8-bit as I write above. But

Code: Select all

convert <input> -type Palette -depth 1 -colors 2 output.bmp
stores 1-bit! Not only it's strange, it's also confusing! Aren't colors and depth redundant parameters? This "trick" seems to work for GIF, too but unfortunately, not for PNG :(

My version of IM is 6.6.4-10 2010-10-10 Q16 ...

I'd love to see I did something wrong... I tried also +antialias and +dither but no luck either.
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Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by fmw42 »

try using gif as it supports bi-level (not sure PNG does)

convert input -monochrome -type bilevel result.gif


convert input -colorspace gray +dither -colors 2 -type bilevel result.gif

Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by mikro »

Well, my point isn't to get it working by some workaround. I did this with using .bmp + -colors 2. I'd like to know why PNG doesn't work, i.e. if it's bug or some unclear documentation issue.
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Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by fmw42 »


Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by mikro »

ehm, yeah, right... this is exactly what doesn't work, that's the point i'm talking about here.

EDIT: ah, ok, I overlooked the notes. So it seems it's disabled for palette modes as a "feature"... :(
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Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by fmw42 »

you can always post an enhancement request to the Developers forum - but no guarantee how quickly that might happen

Re: Inconsistent behavior for -type, -depth and -colors

Post by mikro »

OK, I see I messed things here. Basically, your links confirm expected behavior, i.e. indexed palette mode should support 1, 2, 4 and 8 color bit depth. However, when I do the most simple thing:

Code: Select all

convert input.png -define png:bit-depth=1 -define png:color-type=3 output.png
it gives me (even with input.png being 1-bit colormap!) :
convert: Cannot write image with defined PNG:bit-depth or PNG:color-type.
Funny things is when I type:

Code: Select all

convert input.png output.png
the result is 1-bit (correct) grayscale (incorrect!!!). To me it seems like there's hardcoded implication 1-bit => grayscale, totally forgetting palette-based mode.

Dear developers, there are three bugs:

1. Error in documentation
-define png:bit-depth {depth}
(should be png:bit-depth={depth})

2. Unclear relationship with -colors and -depth / png:bit-depth (documentation states under which condition png:bit-depth overrides -depth, fair enough, but no word about when one should (not) use -colors)

3. Actual bug in IM, command about must work or documentation is wrong.
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