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montage images

Posted: 2010-12-02T08:10:46-07:00
by amsterdamned

I've been trying and reading the documentation for several hours, can't figure this out. Please forgive this (hopefully) easy question :shock:

When i have 16 images, montage will automaticly create a square, so a 4-rows X 4-columns image.
for example: montage -geometry +0+0 %d.jpg[1-16] done.jpg

However, this is not what i want.
1. How do i create my own x,y coord. image? For example a 8-columns X 2-rows image.

I've tried size, tile, resize, crop, different geometry (but the +0+0 will keep the real size of the image).

Using absolute pixels size or row/columns don't really mather, any help would be appreciated!
Thanks a bunch.

Re: montage images

Posted: 2010-12-02T11:00:13-07:00
by fmw42
should work like the following to make two rows of eight (see -tile control in montage)

montage %d.jpg[1-16] -tile 8x2 -geometry +0+0 done.jpg


Re: montage images

Posted: 2010-12-02T17:10:37-07:00
by anthony
More specifically
IM Examples, Montage, Tile Layout Controls

Note however that there is no way in "montage" of doing spanning rows or columns.
That is you can not make one image span two neighbouring cells.
For that you will need to DIY.

WARNING: -geometry +0+0 will put montage in special 'concatenate' mode which is a separate and less developed method of handling image arrays. This works well if the images are all the same size, but fails otherwise. To prevent using this special mode, while still allowing zero gaps use a non-zero geometry. See Zero Geometry, caution required