Broken output animations
Posted: 2010-12-03T02:34:34-07:00
Hi, recently ran into a problem while resizing some animated GIFs with ImageMagic. I've always used the following command-line options:
convert.exe -coalesce -resize 320x320 -alpha set +repage -layers optimize source.gif converted.gif
But now I got a large number of files that can not be properly processed. My output files look a bit strange:
I tried to resave this source file with PhotoScape (without applying any changes e.g. resize, crop etc.), and the problem dissapeared Howevevr, the filesize increased significantly. The problem is that I need to resize about 2000+ files, so there is no way to resave each source file manually
Here you can dl the source and resaved files, and output images for both of them: Maybe someone can help?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
convert.exe -coalesce -resize 320x320 -alpha set +repage -layers optimize source.gif converted.gif
But now I got a large number of files that can not be properly processed. My output files look a bit strange:
I tried to resave this source file with PhotoScape (without applying any changes e.g. resize, crop etc.), and the problem dissapeared Howevevr, the filesize increased significantly. The problem is that I need to resize about 2000+ files, so there is no way to resave each source file manually
Here you can dl the source and resaved files, and output images for both of them: Maybe someone can help?
P.S. Sorry for my bad english.