RMagick - get_type_metrics gives wrong width/height

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RMagick - get_type_metrics gives wrong width/height

Post by curious »


I have the following code :

Code: Select all

require 'RMagick'

image=Magick::Image.new 320,100

draw.font 'Arial'
draw.font_size 75
draw.text 10,10,'RMagick'

size=draw.get_type_metrics image,'RMagick'
draw.stroke 'black'
draw.fill_opacity 0
draw.rectangle 10,10,10+size['width'],10+size['height']

draw.draw image


p size
Which produces the following output :

Code: Select all

#<struct Magick::TypeMetric pixels_per_em=#<struct Magick::Point x=12, y=12>, ascent=11.0, descent=-3.0, width=46.0, height=14.0, max_advance=24.0, bounds=#<struct Magick::Segment x1=1.0, y1=-2.0, x2=8.21875, y2=9.0>, underline_position=-4.5625, underline_thickness=-4.5625>
And generates this image :

If I change the font and font_size, the rendered string changes accordingly. But the width and height returned by get_type_metrics remains the same 46.0 and 14.0. ( If I change the string, the width and height is calculated for the given number of characters, but the font is never taken in consideration. )

I would say, this is a bug, as similar code in PHP with IMagick works as expected when using queryFontMetrics().

Is there a solution/correction/workaround for this, to get the real text size ?

Thank you.

Additional information :
  • Operating system : Linux
  • ImageMagick version : 6.6.4-2
  • RMagick version : 2.13.1
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