imagemagickobject.dll failed to register
Posted: 2010-12-14T01:09:39-07:00
Actually the problem has been here for a long time, we have to manually register the object.
Today, I've tried to figure out the problem, and find the problem is caused by the install script.
There should be a space between /s and quotes... and it should be /s ""
Could someone verify and fix the problem please?
Today, I've tried to figure out the problem, and find the problem is caused by the install script.
Code: Select all
Filename: "regsvr32"; Parameters: "/c /s""{app}\ImageMagickObject.dll"""; StatusMsg: "Registering ImageMagickObject DLL..."; Tasks: "install_Magick_DLL"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Filename: "regsvr32"; Parameters: "/u /s""{app}\ImageMagickObject.dll"""; StatusMsg: "Unregistering ImageMagickObject DLL..."; Tasks: "install_Magick_DLL"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Could someone verify and fix the problem please?