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Composite images with wildcard and transparency

Posted: 2010-12-30T03:25:08-07:00
by Bingo
Hi all !

I am trying to overlay 3 PNGs in one command.
They all have a white background that must be used as transparent color.
They are also named with the same pattern : image_XXXXX_tmp.png

I tried with this command, but one of the images does not appear in the final image :

convert image_*_tmp.png -transparent white -composite merge.png

merge.png looks good, but only the first 2 of the 3 images (in alphabetical order) are visible.
Is my command syntax wrong ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Re: Composite images with wildcard and transparency

Posted: 2010-12-30T11:00:11-07:00
by fmw42
-composite only allows two images and a mask. try -flatten or -layers merge ... php#layers

Re: Composite images with wildcard and transparency

Posted: 2011-01-04T01:31:08-07:00
by Bingo
-layers merge works great, thanks a lot !