Help with converting eBook PDF.
Posted: 2011-01-10T21:45:36-07:00
Hi, Sorry this will probably be a dumb question but I have a script and I am not sure how I am supposed to run it. The instructions were:
# Rename the PDF file to "csource.PDF" and run this. It will split the file up into single page PNG files which are easier to read on the screen. You can zip them together as a CBZ file and use CDisplay (but be sure to disable thumbnail generation in CDisplay (Options/Preferences/Configuration) or it will run very slow. It file will be bigger but much easier to read.
# This script needs ActivePerl, ImageMagick and Ghostscript (change path as required)
$pages = 1317;
for ($i=1; $i<=$pages; $i++)
$wide_fn = "chem" . $i . ".png";
$pp1_fn = sprintf("pp%06d.png", (($i-1)*2 + 0 + 1));
$pp2_fn = sprintf("pp%06d.png", (($i-1)*2 + 1 + 1));
print "**** Page " . $i . "\n";
if (! -e $wide_fn)
print "generating Page " . $i . "\n";
$cmd = "C:\\Progra~1\\gs\\gs9.00\\bin\\gswin32c.exe -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r300 -dFirstPage=" . $i . " -dLastPage=" . $i
. " -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=" . $wide_fn . " " csource.PDF";
system $cmd;
if (! -e $pp1_fn)
print "converting Left Page " . $i . " to " . $pp1_fn . "\n";
$cmd = "convert " . $wide_fn . " -crop 2584x3104+19+79 -resize 1024 " . $pp1_fn;
system $cmd;
if (! -e $pp2_fn)
print "converting Right Page " . $i . " to " . $pp2_fn . "\n";
$cmd = "convert " . $wide_fn . " -crop 2584x3104+2606+79 -resize 1024 " . $pp2_fn;
system $cmd;
Am I supposed to make this a pl file and try to run? That doesnt work. Where should I put the csource.pdf? Sort of lost.
Thanks for any help.
# Rename the PDF file to "csource.PDF" and run this. It will split the file up into single page PNG files which are easier to read on the screen. You can zip them together as a CBZ file and use CDisplay (but be sure to disable thumbnail generation in CDisplay (Options/Preferences/Configuration) or it will run very slow. It file will be bigger but much easier to read.
# This script needs ActivePerl, ImageMagick and Ghostscript (change path as required)
$pages = 1317;
for ($i=1; $i<=$pages; $i++)
$wide_fn = "chem" . $i . ".png";
$pp1_fn = sprintf("pp%06d.png", (($i-1)*2 + 0 + 1));
$pp2_fn = sprintf("pp%06d.png", (($i-1)*2 + 1 + 1));
print "**** Page " . $i . "\n";
if (! -e $wide_fn)
print "generating Page " . $i . "\n";
$cmd = "C:\\Progra~1\\gs\\gs9.00\\bin\\gswin32c.exe -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r300 -dFirstPage=" . $i . " -dLastPage=" . $i
. " -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=" . $wide_fn . " " csource.PDF";
system $cmd;
if (! -e $pp1_fn)
print "converting Left Page " . $i . " to " . $pp1_fn . "\n";
$cmd = "convert " . $wide_fn . " -crop 2584x3104+19+79 -resize 1024 " . $pp1_fn;
system $cmd;
if (! -e $pp2_fn)
print "converting Right Page " . $i . " to " . $pp2_fn . "\n";
$cmd = "convert " . $wide_fn . " -crop 2584x3104+2606+79 -resize 1024 " . $pp2_fn;
system $cmd;
Am I supposed to make this a pl file and try to run? That doesnt work. Where should I put the csource.pdf? Sort of lost.
Thanks for any help.